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Wisdom Teeth Removal in Pasadena

Discover Expert Wisdom Teeth Removal for Optimal Oral Health

As you journey through life, your oral health evolves, marking significant milestones along the way. One crucial dental event typically occurs between the ages of 17 and 21 – the emergence of wisdom teeth, also known as third molars. These teeth earned their moniker due to their appearance during a more mature stage of life.


When they emerge correctly, healthy wisdom teeth contribute to efficient chewing. While slight discomfort is normal during their eruption, it’s essential to promptly consult your dentist if you experience persistent pain. Don’t wait! Take proactive care of your oral health and schedule your appointment today to ensure a brighter, pain-free smile for the future.

Creating Space for a Brighter Smile

Wisdom teeth can pose issues if they lack sufficient room to surface or if they erupt in improper positions. When your dentist identifies impacted wisdom teeth, it indicates they are trapped beneath your gums or within your jawbone.


Throughout the emergence of your wisdom teeth, your dentist vigilantly monitors your oral condition for signs of the following concerns:

      • Trapped Food and Cavities: Misaligned wisdom teeth can create crevices where food particles gather, fostering cavity-causing bacteria growth.
      • Flossing Challenges: Improperly erupted wisdom teeth can complicate flossing, making it hard to maintain proper dental hygiene between these teeth and adjacent molars.
      • Partial Eruption Risks: Partially emerged wisdom teeth provide an entry point for bacteria into the gums, potentially leading to infections accompanied by jaw pain, inflammation, and stiffness.
      • Neighboring Tooth Impact: Limited space for wisdom teeth to emerge may exert pressure on neighboring teeth, causing crowding or damage.
      • Cyst Formation: Impacted wisdom teeth can foster cysts on or around them, jeopardizing adjacent tooth roots and the supporting bone structure.

When Extraction Becomes Essential

While each patient is unique, the decision to remove wisdom teeth typically hinges on observable changes within the mouth, such as:

      • Pain: Persistent pain around emerging wisdom teeth.
      • Infection: Evidence of infections due to impacted wisdom teeth.
      • Cysts and Tumors: Detection of cysts or tumors associated with wisdom teeth.
      • Neighboring Teeth Damage: Impacted wisdom teeth causing harm to adjacent teeth.
      • Gum Disease: Wisdom teeth contribute to gum disease.
      • Tooth Decay: Removal may be preferred if restoring a decayed wisdom tooth is impractical
      • Orthodontic treatment: Wisdom teeth extraction may be recommended as part of orthodontic care
      • Before determining the best approach, your dentist conducts a thorough mouth examination, often including X-rays. Collaboratively, you and your dentist can chart an optimal treatment plan tailored to your needs.

Safeguarding Your Smile

Opting to retain your wisdom teeth necessitates vigilant monitoring, as the potential for future problems persists with age. As you mature, the risk of oral health issues, including wisdom teeth-related concerns, increases. Regular flossing around wisdom teeth and consistent dental visits remain crucial. Routine check-ups empower your dentist to evaluate not only your wisdom teeth but your overall oral health.

Post-Extraction Care

After undergoing wisdom teeth removal, proper post-operative care is crucial for a smooth recovery. Your dentist will provide you with specific instructions to follow, including guidelines for managing any discomfort, swelling, or bleeding. It’s important to stick to a soft diet, avoid strenuous activities, and keep the extraction sites clean to prevent infection. If you experience severe pain, excessive bleeding, or any concerning symptoms, don’t hesitate to reach out to your dentist for guidance.

Long-Term Oral Health Goals

Your journey to optimal oral health doesn’t end with wisdom teeth removal. As you continue through life, it’s important to maintain a healthy lifestyle that supports your overall well-being and dental health. This includes eating a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, while limiting sugary snacks and beverages. Avoiding tobacco products and limiting alcohol consumption also play a significant role in preserving your oral health.

Elevate your path to a healthier and more vibrant smile with expert wisdom teeth removal services in Pasadena, CA. If you’re ready to take action, book your appointment now or reach out via phone to connect with our skilled team at Art of Smiles. Let us be your guide on this journey to optimal oral health. Your brighter smile awaits – schedule your visit today!


If your dentist recommends removing your wisdom teeth, don’t panic. You’ll be just as wise after the extraction as you were before. In fact, when these third molars begin to affect your oral health, having them removed is the smartest decision you can make. You’ll want to play it safe and follow all aftercare instructions to properly heal and prevent any complications.

Why Aftercare is Important

Dentists have been removing wisdom teeth for millions of Americans every year, according to the Academy of General Dentistry (AGD). Besides some temporary bleeding, discomfort, swelling and bruising after surgery, most patients recover quickly. Nonetheless, you should know that dry socket is the most common preventable surgical complication.


A dry socket develops when the newly formed blood clot within the socket is dislodged or dissolves, exposing bone and nerve endings. In addition to severe pain, symptoms of dry socket as described by the Mayo Clinic are bad breath and an unpleasant taste in your mouth, visible bone within the socket, swollen lymph nodes in your neck area and a low-grade fever. To prevent potential problems after removing wisdom teeth, here are your post-extraction healing instructions:



Apply ice packs to the outside of your mouth intermittently (20 minutes on, 20 minutes off) for up to two days to minimize swelling, bruising, or any discomfort. If your tooth was infected prior to removal, your dentist may ask you to use warm, moist compresses rather than ice.



Expect some bleeding, and keep a gauze pad over the extraction site for 30 minutes after surgery. For heavier bleeding, suggests Conestoga Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, bite down on a gauze pad or place your fingers over the pad consistently for 30 minutes before removing it. Another alternative is to use a moistened tea bag for the same amount of time. The tannic acid in the tea contracts the bleeding vessels, which helps the blood clot set.


Mouth Care

Limit eating, drinking, and talking for the first two hours following surgery, and plan to rest for the remainder of the day. To keep from dislodging the blood clot, don’t rinse vigorously or use a straw when drinking. Additionally, avoid rigorous exercise for a few days, as well as smoking or spitting excessively on the day of the surgery or as long as there is bleeding. After 12 hours, you can gently rinse with a diluted mouthwash, such as Colgate Total® Advanced Pro-Shield™, or a salt water rinse. Carefully brush your teeth the night of the surgery, but avoid the surgical area as best you can.



After the bleeding stops, drink lots of lukewarm or cold fluids to stay hydrated. Eat regular
meals, as advised by Reading Oral Surgery Group, but begin with clear liquids and soft foods. Puddings, gelatins, eggs, mashed potatoes, and cooked cereals are good choices, as are vegetables, meats, and fruits that have been liquefied in a blender. To avoid dislodging the blood clot, the AGD warns against drinking carbonated beverages and eating foods like popcorn, peanuts, and pasta that may leave particles in your socket.



Take prescribed pain medications and antibiotics for infection exactly as directed by your
dentist. And remember, if you are taking a strong narcotic pain medication, you’ll be asked not to drive or operate machinery and to avoid alcoholic beverages.

When to Call your Dentist

Any pain and swelling you have should improve each day, but call your dentist if you experience any of the following:


      • Swelling that gets worse instead of better.
      • Excessive bleeding that won’t subside with pressure.
      • Severe, throbbing pain three to four days following surgery.
      • An elevated fever that persists.

Wisdom Teeth Insights


You Might Be Having Wisdom Teeth Troubles

Picture this: You’re having a routine teeth cleaning, and your dentist delivers some unexpected news: “It looks like your wisdom teeth are coming through.” But don’t expect these third molars to bring you wisdom. They typically make their appearance between ages 17 and 25, known as the “age of wisdom” – hence the name.

The Mystery of Wisdom Teeth

Not everyone develops the third set of molars, but the American Association of Oral and
Maxillofacial Surgeons reports that about 90 percent of people have at least one impacted wisdom tooth, meaning there isn’t enough space for it to break through the gums. On average, a person has four wisdom teeth, although having more is possible. These molars can cause trouble if ignored.

Why Do We Have Wisdom Teeth?

Back in prehistoric times, humans had larger, stronger jaws, and wisdom teeth helped with chewing coarse foods like raw meat and plants. With evolving diets and better dental health, modern humans have smaller jaws, making it less likely for wisdom teeth to erupt correctly.


Detecting Wisdom Teeth

Your dentist can determine if you have erupted or impacted wisdom teeth. In cases of
uncertainty, your dentist may recommend visiting an oral surgeon who specializes in wisdom teeth care. Symptoms such as swelling in the back of your mouth, limited jaw mobility, or pain while chewing might indicate wisdom teeth trouble. However, many people with wisdom teeth don’t experience any symptoms, which can be just as concerning.


The Silent Risks of Asymptomatic Wisdom Teeth

Even without symptoms, wisdom teeth can harbor issues. Wisdom teeth-related conditions include infections, lesions, cysts, tumors, or damage to adjacent teeth. Surprisingly, about 25 percent of people with asymptomatic wisdom teeth develop periodontal disease (gum disease). Regular dental checkups are essential, as some conditions can escalate and become serious, though you might not feel them.

When’s the Right Time to Remove Wisdom Teeth?

Wisdom teeth roots usually develop during the teenage years. The easiest and least complicated time for extraction is when the roots are two-thirds formed. This often falls within the teenage years. Removing wisdom teeth during this window is wise, as roots continue to grow repositioning makes extraction riskier as you age.


Choosing Sedation: Awake or Asleep?

When it comes to anesthesia, the choice is yours. Do you want to be awake during the procedure or wake up afterward without memory of it? Regardless, local anesthesia will numb the area, ensuring a pain-free experience. Plan for someone to drive you home post-procedure.


      • Anesthesia Route: Sedation during the procedure; antibiotics pre-appointement; refrain from eating or drinking six hours before; likely drowsy and less alert afterward.
      • Laughing Gas Route: You’ll be awake and aware; inhale nitrous oxide for relaxation; some sensations during the procedure are possible.

Recovery and Beyond


Post-Surgery Pain and Care

Discomfort varies per person. Pain relief can be achieved through prescribed narcotics or a combination of ibuprofen and Tylenol. Swelling is common and peaks 48 to 72 hours later. Ice packs and elevation will help reduce it.


Eating After Extraction

Expect a liquid diet for the first 24 hours, then soft foods for four to five days. Avoid straws, as suction can dislodge blood clots. Cold, soothing foods are ideal. Good oral hygiene is crucial; clean your mouth without disturbing surgical sites.


Returning to Normal Activities

Most patients return to work or school within a few days, though it varies. Strong pain medication indicates you shouldn’t resume regular activities. Avoid driving or operating machinery while taking narcotics. Heavy lifting, strenuous workouts, and wind instruments should be avoided for a week post-surgery.

Stay Informed

Wisdom teeth removal is common, but not without risks. Be sure to consult your oral surgeon and ask questions. Understanding the process and post-operative care ensures a smoother recovery and the best outcome for your oral health. Your oral surgeon’s guidance will help you navigate this journey with wisdom.


In Conclusion

Whether you’re considering wisdom teeth removal or already on the path to recovery, remember that your oral health is a vital part of your overall well-being. Expert care, like that offered by Art of Smiles in Pasadena, CA, can guide you through the process, ensuring the best results and a healthier smile.


Embrace the journey to optimal oral health, whether it involves wisdom teeth extraction, regular check-ups, or maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Your smile is a reflection of your well-being, and taking the right steps now can lead to a brighter and healthier future. Don’t hesitate to reach out to the experienced team at Art of Smiles to schedule your appointment and get the personalized care you deserve. Your smile transformation starts here.

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