Deep teeth cleaning is the process of eliminating or taking away the etiologic agents, a dental sign, its products, and calculus that cause irritation, and hence assisting to set up a periodontium that is free from infections.
The process is also called scaling and root planning, non-surgical periodontal treatment or conventional periodontal treatment.
The Deep teeth cleaning process is surely not a pleasant process, but they are effective. Your dentist will anesthetize that area, and do the cleaning.
The deep teeth cleaning process is extremely effective in preventing gingivitis and other gum diseases.
They as well prevent bleeding in the gums, which affect countless people.
The person who undergoes deep teeth cleaning will have a smooth, dirt-free surface, so the gums could reattach to the teeth effortlessly.
What is plaque?
Let us understand a bit about plaque before going ahead and discussing deep teeth cleaning process.
Plaque is a prearranged flexible yellow-grayish matter that adheres stubbornly to the surfaces of the tooth including detachable and permanent restorations.
It is a systematized bio-film that has primarily microorganisms in an environment of Glycoproteins and extracellular polysaccharides.
This environment makes it unfeasible to take away the plaque by cleaning or employing sprays.
Materia Alba is like a plaque, but it lacks the systematized structure of plaque and therefore, effortlessly transferred with sprays and rinses.
When this plaque gets mineralized it shapes into calculus.
Calculus is hence the firm deposit fashioned by mineralization typically enclosed by a layer of unmineralized plaque.
Different deep teeth cleaning methods
Though there are different methods of cleaning, the following methods are the most common deep teeth cleaning methods.
- Scaling
- Root planning
Scaling method of deep teeth cleaning
Scaling method of deep teeth cleaning is fundamental, but a significant stage of periodontal treatment, and involves taking away of calculus, plaque, microbial flora, blemishes from the crowns of the tooth surfaces, lengthening some part deeper under the gingival margin.
Scaling deep teeth cleaning method is carried out either by a mechanical cleaning method or chemical cleaning method.
The method of mechanical scaling is carried out by making use of hand or ultrasonic appliances that, by means of appropriate instrumentation assists in the chipping off the tartar or calculus from the surface of a tooth.
The method of chemical scaling is carried out by making use of chemical fluids for example, anti-tartar solutions, which assists in attracting the tartar accretions away from the surface of a tooth.
The chemical cleaning method is not as efficient as the mechanical cleaning technique.
Root planing method of deep teeth cleaning
The root planning method of deep teeth cleaning is a sophisticated periodontal treatment phase where the root of the tooth surface is cleaned and any polluted surface is eliminated, making the root of the teeth free from bacteria.
The root planning method of deep teeth cleaning softens the root surfaces, to put off the observance of calculus onto it.
The root planning method of deep teeth cleaning needs some specialized tools such as root Scalers and Curettes, which assist in smoothing the root walls by acclimatizing onto it and running all along it.
Frequency and harshness of deep teeth cleaning methods
The frequency of deep teeth cleaning relies on the physical condition of the gingival and the extent of the gum infection.
Generally, people go to the dental specialist later than they experience any soreness or something analogous that is connected to the gum infection.
Those who smoke cigarettes and boast poor oral sanitation patients, it is suggested getting the deep teeth cleaning once in six months as a minimum routine.
For healthy kids and matures who boast usual oral sanitation habits of flossing and tooth brushing, have to get their teeth cleaned once in two years as a minimum routine.
This can be got confirmed by having a discussion with the dentist.
The harshness or the discomfort caused by the deep teeth cleaning methods depends on irregularities in the root surface, amount of hardness of the calculus structured, and patient support.
You can have a detailed discussion with your dentist about any soreness or panic about it so that any extra measures are taken to put off any causation of soreness subsequent to deep teeth cleaning.
Subsequent to the deep teeth cleaning methods are done, generally, painkillers or chlorhexidine mouthwash is prescribed if required.
Root planing and scaling deep teeth cleaning methods are simple and essential procedures that can put off from going to the degree to get periodontal operations done in advance.
Prevent the growth of bacteria and the accumulation of tartar and calculus, maintain a good oral hygiene, and regular visits to the dentist for oral prophylaxis can prevent gum disease from occurring.
Precautions to be taken after deep teeth cleaning
In order to take care of your gums in between your deep cleaning appointments, get tailored post-treatment instructions from your dentist that you are supposed to for the daily care pending your next appointment.
Some of these instructions contain the following suggestions.
- Do water or salt rinses that contain one teaspoon salt and eight-ounce warm water at the rate of three times per day 60 seconds.
- Perform water or Peroxide rinses to help with impacted wreckage.
- Prescription or Listerine rinses to commence 24 hours to 48 hours subsequent to the treatment.
- During the deep teeth cleaning treatment, no medicine is necessary
Sensitivity can be decreased through pre-medicating with an anti-provocative such as Ibuprofen or Alleve, one hour before your deep teeth cleaning scheduled time.
Make use of over-the-counter medicines as directed or according to the direction of your dentist.
Oral health cleanings are also optional.